Fishing Guatemala

Fishing Guatemala

Fishing Guatemala

Sailfish, marlin, dorado and Yellowfin tuna are the most common species in Guatemala.  But make no mistake, this is the best sailfishing spot in the world!  On    average you can experience 15 to 20 bites a day. And during the peak season, from    October through June, 40 or more bites a day is not uncommon. The top boats release over 2,000 sailfish a year.  On March 11, 2006 the daily release record was achieved with an unbelievable 124 sailfish released. These Pacific sailfish average 90 to 100 pounds, but sailfish over 125 pounds are common.

The Pacific coast of Guatemala features some of the world’s most consistently calm billfishing waters. Fishing in Guatemala normally takes place in an area called the “Pocket”, a deep underwater canyon that is 30 Nm wide. Many days fishing will start just 12 to 15 miles offshore on the tip of the canyon. Other days we may run as far as 40 miles if that’s what it takes to put you on the fish. During the day your crew will serve you a hot lunch, snacks and fresh fruit. They will also prepare fresh Ceviche or Sashimi right in the galley. Of course beer and soda will also be available. Combine this great fishery with the comfort and hospitality of the Resort and you have a recipe for an incredible fishing experience.

Pacific Fins’ fleet features the newest, fastest and most luxurious sportfishing yachts in Guatemala. Every boat is meticulously maintained for your comfort and safety. All of our boats are equipped with top of the line gear and tackle and our crews are the best in the world, with each boat featuring an experienced Captain and two excellent mates.

Marlin fishing in Guatemala in recent times has been exceptional and is clearly some of the best in the world.  Blues, Stripes and Blacks are all caught in our waters, with Blue marlin in the 300 to 600 pound range being the most common. In recent years it has not been uncommon for the best captains to raise 4 or more marlin in a day.  Marlin can be caught year round in Guatemala but the largest concentrations seem to occur from September through December.

Both bait fishing and fly fishing is available. When targeting billfish we use artificial teasers and naked rigged natural bait such as ballyhoo. High quality Shimano 20 to 50 pound class stand-up tackle is used. Bait and switch tactics provide anglers with the most exciting fishing experience possible. Guatemala is a world leader in conservation. All bait is rigged with circle hooks and of course all billfishing is Catch and Release Only insuring this fishing “hot spot” remains the angler’s choice destination for many years to come.

If you prefer to fly fish, you could not have come to a better place.  Multiple opportunities will provide incredible    action for the novice and expert alike. As a novice you will truly enjoy the easy style in which our Captains and mates instruct you.  And as an expert, there is no better place in the world to enjoy your fly fishing skills. If you have any questions about fly fishing in Guatemala our experienced staff will be more than happy to help.

Just give us a call at (888) 431-5556.

About Pacific Fins

Pacific Fins Resort  is Guatemala Fishing at its best. Our boutique hotel with private villas and suites is located in the world’s most productive billfishing destination. We offer all-inclusive fishing packages with a la carte dining, open bar, and custom, personalized service. Our setting on the water and attention to detail is unmatched in Guatemala.

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