Fishing Guatemala

Fly Fishing

If you have ever dreamed of catching a 100 pound sailfish on fly, it is time to discover Guatemala sportfishing.  With our year-round abundant sailfish population you will have more opportunities for hook-ups than anywhere else in the world.

Our experienced captains and mates can help the knowledgeable or teach the novice the art of fly fishing for billfish.  You may also have the opportunity for dorado or tuna on fly – great fighters and a challenge to your angling skills.  Each year we are also landing more and more marlin on fly.  When fly fishing for sailfish your numbers will vary a little more than the conventional angler.

There are more moving parts when fly fishing.  Fly anglers will generally be 1 out of 3 or 1 out of 4 in releases to hook ups.  But you just can’t beat getting a sailfish on fly – it is a full throttle experience that gets into your angling blood.

We use the following fly line

  • Rio “Leviathan” 600 grain Yel Tint/Black

You can also consider

    • Wulff Bermuda Triangle Taper Saltwater SWTB12F
    • Cortland Tropic Plus Lazor Line (Billfish) with a Int.
    • Clear Sink Tip – WF13 or WF14
    • Orvis Big Game Intermediate Wonderline WF-14-S
    • Tippet strength is your choice but we suggest 20 lb.

Fly Fishing Instruction

Pacific Fins captains and mates are Guatemala’s finest for fly fishing.  Loaded with experience, our crews know how to rig rods/reels, tie flies and tease sailfish close to the boat.  Our captains and crews will work closely with those clients needing extra help on fly fishing and we can teach you the correct hook-up procedure for billfish.

How to Set a Hook

by: Lefty Kreh

The preferred way to hook billfish is to wait until the fish has been lured with a teaser to within a few yards of the stern of the boat.  The fly is then thrown to the far side and slightly behind the billfish.  This causes the fish to turn and take the fly going away from the angler.  Grip the line firmly and keeping the rod low, rotate away from the fish after it takes the fly.  Then, instead of trying to set the hook with the hand or the rod, hold the rod about 45 degrees to the fish.

Don’t try to set the hook- just hold it at and angle.  As the billfish swims away with the fly, it sets the hook itself.  Billfish are great head shakers and if you hold the line securely and the rod at an angle, the hook will usually be set in the billfish.

About Pacific Fins

Pacific Fins Resort  is Guatemala Fishing at its best. Our boutique hotel with private villas and suites is located in the world’s most productive billfishing destination. We offer all-inclusive fishing packages with a la carte dining, open bar, and custom, personalized service. Our setting on the water and attention to detail is unmatched in Guatemala.

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