M.A.R.L.I.N – Wow!

We would not expect most anglers to know about the incredible marlin fishing in Guatemala. As a destination, Guatemala has mainly promoted it’s sailfishing for the last 20 years. And rightly so – it is the best in the world.

“We are down at the Lodge as this is being sent out. We came down for Pacific Fins “Marlin Guarantee.” We accomplished it in one day. We have our own boats. Fish all over the globe. This is the absolute best trip we have ever done. The whole thing is exceptional.”Jose Garcia, Jr.

Day 1: 8 Marlin raises, 7 bites and 3 Blues released! 7 bites is amazing.
Day 2: 27 Sailfish raises, 21 bites, and 17 releases.
Day 3: 4 Marlin raises, 3 bites and 3 releases. 13 Sailfish raises, 8 bites and 6 releases.
(GRAND SLAM DAY: 1 Black 600 lb., 1 Blue 500 lb. and sailfish!)

Guatemalan Marlin Guru – Christian Siebold

For a consistent weekend angler in Guatemala his personal goals for sailfish were achieved. He needed a new challenge. Our friend and Niels Erichsen’s fishing partner, Cristian Siebold had decided to focus primarily on Marlin fishing (especially the months August – November). During a period of more than 2 years, he has been sharing his weekend stats with us, helping us prove Guatemala IS A MARLIN DESTINATION.

He tested all written theories on marlin fishing and experimented with his own new Guatemalan Style. Christian will compete with a Guatemalan team in this year’s Bisbee, on “The King and I”. His boat is traveling to Cabo as we write this.

Our mates have personally fished with Christian this summer to learn more from him!

Marlin fishing statistics from Captain Cristian Siebold – only fishing Saturdays
**These numbers do not include other marlin released by other fishermen on the same boat during the same days of fishing.

Fishing style – stand up 50-lb. class with lures:

Total Days Fished from July 2015 through September 2016 = 28 days
Total Marlin released = 38
Total Bites = 52
Average Marlin Released Per Day = 1.4 Marlin
Total Days Without a Marlin Bite = 4
Marlin Mix = 10 Black, 2 Stripe, 26 Blue
Greatest Accomplishments:
July 2015 – Grand Slam (Blue, Stripe, Sailfish).
August 2015 – Two Blues at the same time, both released, only one fisherman and one mate on board.
December 2015 – Marlin Grand Slam (Blue, Black, Stripe). Biggest marlin = 600 lbs Black.
September 2016 – 4 of 4 same day. 3 of 3 same day (following Saturday).

Risk Takers – Pacific Fins

Over the last few seasons Pacific Fins has marketed our “Marlin Guarantee.” We took a big (perceived) risk the last few seasons by offering it. The number of calls we received from clients and industry friends with comments like “you guys are nuts, you are going to get killed on this deal, this is one ballsy move,” etc. We were willing to take the chance for our clients to get them excited.

We are the ONLY operation in Guatemala (and the world for that matter) who GUARANTEES MARLIN. Our Marlin Guarantee takes place in the months of August, September and October. If we don’t perform it is a significant financial penalty to Pacific Fins.

Now with 2 seasons of data under our belt with our own anglers one thing is clear – We are performing and the clients are getting their Marlin – the whole purpose of this promotion. Every single group FOR 2 YEARS has caught their Marlin except for 1. They came back 6 months later for 50% cost of the trip and caught two!

Book Now!

If you can get away in the next few weeks you still have time for the Marlin Guarantee in Oct 2016.

Clients are already booking August, September and October 2017. Grab your dates today!

So is Guatemala the new hot spot and the most underrated destination on the planet for Marlin? We believe it is.

For additional information and availability at Pacific Fins Resort:

Phone: 1-888-700-3467
Website: www.pacificfins.com.gt

FOLLOW us on Social Media for the most up to date info on Pacific Fins:




About Pacific Fins

Pacific Fins Resort  is Guatemala Fishing at its best. Our boutique hotel with private villas and suites is located in the world’s most productive billfishing destination. We offer all-inclusive fishing packages with a la carte dining, open bar, and custom, personalized service. Our setting on the water and attention to detail is unmatched in Guatemala.

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