MARCH 24 – 31

Larry Gury, Ralph Schulz and Mark Koller arrived for the 2nd year in a row.  Fishing on Sirena for 3 days they raised 44 sailfish, had 38 bites and released 31.

Tom, Ed and Marion Francis arrived for 3 days fishing.  Marion wanted to celebrate his 70th birthday catching sails and his two sons treated him to a great adventure.  Fishing on Maverick they raised 33 sailfish, had 22 bites, released 4 sails conventional and 9 on fly!  They also caught 6 yellowfin tuna and 2 dorado.

One of our local congressman fished with us March 29th on Danmark and caught a 350 lb Blue marlin and 10 yellowfin tuna!

A group of local clients fishing on Maverick March 26 raised 11 sailfish, had 11 bites and released 8.

Johnny and Stacey Powers visited again to fish with us.  On Gypsy in 3 days fishing they raised 23 sailfish, had 21 bites, released 15 sailfish, 12 yellowfin tuna and 2 dorado.

 A group of local clients fished Aguardiente on March 28th for a 1/2 day and raised 4 sailfish, had 4 bites and released 2.

 The Perry Dye Family fished on Gypsy March 28 and caught 14 yellowfin tuna.

 A couple from Russia visiting Guatemala stopped by the Resort and we had an opening on March 27th on Gypsy between groups.  They raised 4 sailfish, had 3 bites, released 2 sailfish and 2 dorado.

About Pacific Fins

Pacific Fins Resort  is Guatemala Fishing at its best. Our boutique hotel with private villas and suites is located in the world’s most productive billfishing destination. We offer all-inclusive fishing packages with a la carte dining, open bar, and custom, personalized service. Our setting on the water and attention to detail is unmatched in Guatemala.

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