A Very Fishy March

Look at that report! January and February tallies were awesome, but we also expected March to be strong as well. How strong? you’ll see it shortly.The sailfish bite was out of this world. I know it sounds cliche, but guests had rod-bending action throughout their entire visit. Take long-time repeat guest, Byrd Miller and his family broke their one-day record: 103 sailfish raises, 89 bites, and released 62.

I am going to go out on a limb and say… by far in March, Guatemala was the go-to destination if you wanted to wrangle a blue marlin. Marlin activity was strong and then you throw in striped marlin, and you got yourself a Billfish Grandslam.

Dorado is still here in big numbers. We have seen lots of spinners around, but none marking tunas yet. That will change very soon and you’ll want to be here when it goes off.With so much action offshore, many decided to check out the inshore scene. The beach waters have been clear and with the right tides, Roosterfish greeted everyone.

Planning your visit for March 2025? We highly advise you to lock in your dates, as it’s already filling up.
March Fishing Report :
March 1st – 31st: Chechos – 552 sailfish raises, 435 bites and 270 releases (10 on FLY!). Blue Marlin: 11 raised, 6 bite, and 5 released. Striped Marlin: 1 raised, 1 bite, and 1 released. Dorados: 49. Rooster Fish: 2 (26 days of fishing).
March 1st – 31st: Knotwork – 610 sailfish raises, 449 bites and 303 releases. Blue Marlin: 5 raises, 3 bites, 3 release. Striped Marlin: 1 Raises, 1 bite, and 1 release. Dorado: 52. (26 days of fishing).
March 1st – 31st: Gypsy – 502 sailfish raises, 378 bites, and 245 releases (9 on FLY!). Blue Marlin: 16 raises, 12 bites, and 9 releases. Striped Marlin: 2 raises. 2 bites and 2 releases. Dorado: 67 (1 on FLY!). Rooster Fish 35. (27 days fishing). ONE DAY WITH GRAND SLAM
March 1st – 31st: Maverick – 452 sailfish raises, 408 bites and 244 releases. Blue Marlin: 12 raises, 10 bites, and 2 releases. Striped Marlin 3 raises, 3 bites, and 3 releases. Dorado: 61. Rooster Fish: 32. (26 days of fishing).
March 2nd – 31st: Libertad – 452 sailfish raises, 378 bites and 243 releases. Dorado: 43. (14 days of fishing).
March 1st: Uno Mas – 15 sailfish raises, 10 bites, and 8 releases. (1 day of fishing).
March 1st – 30th: Sirena – 71 sailfish raises, 46 bites, and 21 releases (3 on FLY!). Dorado: 3. (4 days of fishing).
March 1st: Tranquility – 9 Rooster Fish. (1 day of fishing).
March 30th: Mojo – 7 sailfish raises, 5 bites and 4 releases. Dorado: 10. (1 day of fishing).TOTAL MARCH BILLFISH NUMBERS: 2661 Sailfish raises, 2109 Bites, 1038 Releases. 44 Blue Marlin raises, 31 bites, and 19 released. 7 for 7 for Striped Marlin.

A big CONGRATULATIONS to anglers, William Brookshire and David Rembert II for releasing a Billfish Grandslam (Sailfish, Striped Marlin & Blue Marlin). Congrats to team Gypsy for a job well done.

Great time for Preston McElheney and his entire group of 16. There is nothing more important than spending a fishing excursion with family and friends. The group had the time of their lives. Their numbers were 457 sailfish raises, 385 bites, and released 240.

About Pacific Fins

Pacific Fins Resort  is Guatemala Fishing at its best. Our boutique hotel with private villas and suites is located in the world’s most productive billfishing destination. We offer all-inclusive fishing packages with a la carte dining, open bar, and custom, personalized service. Our setting on the water and attention to detail is unmatched in Guatemala.

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