George Gozdz, Host of Unfathomed Films at Pacific Fins

When Capt. George Gozdz, host of Unfathomed was looking for an appealing destination and a place with non-stop Billfish action, he looked no further than Guatemala.

“I just returned from a trip to Pacific Fins Resort in Guatemala and can honestly say it was one of the best experiences of my life. The resort is outstanding with the friendliest staff, great accommodations, and delicious food and amazing drinks. Fishing is world class out of the resort. Hungry Pacific sailfish traveling in wolf packs allow for an incredible number of shots in a single day. In addition to the sails we also had multiple marlin opportunities as well. Almost a side note but a true treat for me was the yellowfin tuna and mahi that made there way into the spread each day. Once caught, the tuna and mahi are quickly prepared on the boat by the mates and lunch was a spread of mahi carpaccio and tuna sushi- no fresher fish could have been served.

Although I was there filming a fishing show, Guatemala honestly has so much more to offer than the fishery. We traveled to the foot of the volcano Fuego and witnessed first hand the devastation created when in erupted several months prior. Humbling to stand where so many had lost there lives. We also climbed to the summit of Pacaya and watched glowing red lava pour out of the peak as the sun set over the land. We toured coffee fields, visited ancient ruins in Antigua, walked the streets of small fishing villages, and even took in some night time entertainment at one of the local watering holes. The people of Guatemala were always kind and welcoming and at no time during my stay was my safety ever a concern.
I completed a bucket list item by catching my first Pacific sailfish on fly, but the blue marlin still eludes me. I was not too disappointed missing my blue marlin because I knew this gave me the excuse to return to Pacific Fins Resort sometime soon”. – Capt. George Gozdz.

About Pacific Fins

Pacific Fins Resort  is Guatemala Fishing at its best. Our boutique hotel with private villas and suites is located in the world’s most productive billfishing destination. We offer all-inclusive fishing packages with a la carte dining, open bar, and custom, personalized service. Our setting on the water and attention to detail is unmatched in Guatemala.

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