Outdoor Canada Magazine – Wins Award Thanks To Pacific Fins

“I wanted to pass along my thanks to the entire team at Pacific Fins for making my visit so memorable. Catching my first (and hopefully not my last!) sailfish on the fly rod also provided great material for me to write about in Outdoor Canada magazine. Even better, I just found out that the article I wrote, ā€œSailfish Sojournā€ won a major award from the Outdoor Writers of Canada Assn, taking 1st place in the Fishing Feature category. So it was an extraordinary trip in every possible way.”ā€”Scott Gardner, Associate editor & fly-fishing columnist, Outdoor Canada magazine

About Pacific Fins

Pacific Fins ResortĀ  is Guatemala Fishing at its best. Our boutique hotel with private villas and suites is located in the world’s most productive billfishing destination. We offer all-inclusive fishing packages with a la carte dining, open bar, and custom, personalized service. Our setting on the water and attention to detail is unmatched in Guatemala.

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