Looking for a summer time of action packed reel screaming fun? If you do… you better hurry, summer will end soon for many.
We are happy to say that this summer, the fishing has stayed steady. The man in the blue suit, aka blue marlin are around and can make an appearance in the spread any given time. The yellowfin tuna are in the 30-40 mile range in scattered schools of spinner dolphin – ranging from 20-50lbs. But, this summer has already produced some nice ones as well – a few over 100lbs and 150 pounder.
The Dorado, which I am not going to call them Mahi-Mahi (that’s in Hawaii) are almost guaranteed every trip – nothing beats fresh Dorado for lunch on the boat. You can always look forward to Sashimi or an amazing Sandwich, it’s Guatelicious.
Weather? The sun has been shinning on us most of the days. You might get a shower here of there at night.
The reason why so many come here, Sailfish. The Sailfish action has been good this summer. Double digit raises has been the norm and we are not in the peak season. It’s great to see these many raises, you might think they will be lower numbers, but hey… this is Guatemala, The Sailfish Capital of the World!
If you are interested in doing some inshore, I have to say that the Rooster fishing has been out of this world. We recently had one trip of 52 raises, which had 35 bites. Yes folks, 52!
Here are some highlights of the trips.