The Summer of Monsters!

The last two months have produced great quality fish, starting with yellowfin tuna.

When the topic of yellowfin tuna comes up, people think of Panama or Costa Rica. I have to say… we have our share of tuna as well and not just small fish. “I didn’t know you guys had a tuna fishery?” a question I’ve been asked the past two seasons. Many guests have expressed the joy as they witness the diversity in our waters.

Guatemala is known as the Sailfish Capital of the World and the norm has been everyone is programmed to go after billfish. This is true, but for those anglers that have witnessed when the bite really turns on… Guatemala doesn’t have to envy any other place around the world. Hence why we have such a high repeat of guests.

Second… Dorado aka (mahi-mahi) have really made their presence known. Anglers have been catching a lot big fish. We do expect the dorados to stick around for a while.

For those looking to check off marlin of their bucket list, the man in the blue suit will continue through the summer months and into Fall.

June Fishing Report :

  • June 4th – 29th: Maverick – 95 sailfish raises, 72 bites and 48 releases. Sailfish on Fly: 4 sailfish raises, 4 bites and 1 releases. Blue Marlin: 5 raises, 2 bites, 2 release. Blue marlin Fly: 3 raises, 2 bites, 1 release. Dorados: 24. Yellowfin tuna: 5 (one being 219.8 lbs) (16 days of fishing).
  • June 5th – 28th: Knotwork – 68 sailfish raises, 62 bites and 45 releases. Blue Marlin: 8 raises, 5 bites, 5 release. Dorado: 52. Yellowfin tuna: 7. Roosterfish: 1 (15 days of fishing).
  • June 5th – 28th: Chechos – 68 sailfish raises, 54 bites and 37 releases. Blue Marlin: 5 raises, 3 bites, 2 releases. Dorado: 14. Yellowfin tuna: 1 (8 days of fishing).
  • May 1st: Gypsy – 6 sailfish raises, 5 bites and 5 releases. Blue Marlin: 1 raises, 1 bite, 1 release. (12 days of fishing).

July Fishing Report :

  • July 1st – 31st: Knotwork – 211 sailfish raises, 184 bites and 130 releases. Sailfish on Fly: 33 sailfish raises, 10 bites and 3 releases. Blue marlin: 13 raises, 6 bites, 3 releases. Dorados: 70. Yellowfin tuna: 3 (17 days of fishing).
  • July 2nd – 31st: Gypsy – 145 sailfish raises, 114 bites and 87 releases. Sailfish on Fly: 9 sailfish raises, 4 bites and 1 releases. Dorados: 56. Yellowfin tuna: 1 (17 days of fishing).
  • July 2nd – 31st: Chechos – 239 sailfish raises, 205 bites and 139 releases. Blue marlin: 11 raises, 7 bites and 2 releases. Dorados: 28. Yellowfin tuna: 1 (13 days of fishing).
  • Maverick – Boat Maintenance: Getting ready for the upcoming season.
  • July 9th: Uno Mas – 25 sailfish raises, 20 bites and 15 releases. (1 day of fishing).
  • July 16th: Captain Hook – 12 sailfish raises, 11 bites and 9 releases. Dorado: 8 (1 day of fishing).

About Pacific Fins

Pacific Fins Resort  is Guatemala Fishing at its best. Our boutique hotel with private villas and suites is located in the world’s most productive billfishing destination. We offer all-inclusive fishing packages with a la carte dining, open bar, and custom, personalized service. Our setting on the water and attention to detail is unmatched in Guatemala.

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