Live the Pacific Fins Experience

Guaranteed Marlin or Fish For Free!

Have we lost our minds? Maybe…

In addition to the months of August, September and October being very good for sailfish, dorado and yellowfin – we think they are outstanding for marlin!

In fact, we are so confident in our fishery that we are willing to bet on ourselves. We are pushing our chips “All In” with the following MARLIN offer below.

If you book our most popular package: 3 days fishing, 4 nights in the months of August, September or October 2016 guarantee your boat will get at least 3 Marlin Bites on conventional tackle over the length of the trip!!

That’s right. 3 bites by the man in the blue, black or striped suit over 3 days fishing! And if you don’t get 3 bites we are willing to do the following:

50% of the value of your trip will be put towards a future trip at Pacific Fins (and it is transferrable).

100% trip value! Your party comes back for a FREE 3 days fishing, 4 night trip at your choosing.

We did this promo for the first time in 2015. How did we do? We only lost 1 time!  Yes, that is correct. All other groups had 3 marlin bites. We won. The clients won. The group that didn’t achieve the marlin guarantee (had 2 bites) came back in April 2016 for 50% OFF their trip. What did they do? They caught a bunch of sailfish and released 2 marlin!

So how about it? Do you want to visit Pacific Fins for the opportunity to catch sailfish, dorado and yellowfin with a MARLIN GUARANTEE?

NOTE:  This offer is for the intact group to return together. For example, if you have 4 anglers – it is NOT 4 individual trips. And you must fish for Marlin!
To get additional information and to check availability for this offer:

Phone: 1-888-700-3467


15% DISCOUNT – June 1 through Sept 30, 2015

In addition to our Marlin Guarantee for August, September and Oct we have the following June/July/Aug/Sept Special for YOU!

15% Discount on Performance Packages
10% Discount on Economy Packages
10% Discount on Luxury Packages

On any trip 2 days fishing or longer! Here is how the 2 days fishing, 3 night package would look:

4 anglers per boat:
$1510 per person! – Economy
$1910 per person! – Performance
$2205 per person! – Luxury