Thinking of changing it up a little on your next visit to Pacific Fins? How about taking a crack at a Sail on Fly? Sounds intimidating right? Well…it’s not.
Guatemala is the knock-down, drag-out world champion when it comes to fly fishing for sailfish! With more raises and releases than anywhere in the world you will have the best opportunity for success in the bluewater off Guatemala’s Pacific Coast.
The anticipation of landing that first sail on fly is a great feeling. As you cruise these fertile waters and suddenly hear our mates scream “vela, vela, vela” your bluewater fly fishing baptism has begun.
Fly fishing for sailfish is not difficult. It is certainly easier then fly fishing the flats for bones, permit and tarpon which require much longer casting. Just like anything else – it requires a little discipline. Anglers must be patient, listen to our mates, cast at the appropriate time, and position the rod at the correct angle to set the hook.
Let’s face it. You won’t be perfect every time – there are several moving parts involved. So you need a fishery that is prolific. And Guatemala is that destination where you can have upwards of 15 – 20 shots per day at sailfish averaging 80 – 110 lbs.
Our waters are teeming with billfish.

The captains and mates at Pacific Fins are among the finest in the world. They’re experts when it comes to locating, teasing and fly fishing for billfish. They have had a lot of practice with so many sailfish over the years.

Tools of the trade: Nautilus Monster reel with tube fly.