
Live the Pacific Fins Experience

Conservation of Sailfish in Guatemala

It is with great excitement we announce by Government Decree a National Commission has been officially organized for the PROTECTION OF THE SAILFISH IN GUATEMALA within our Pacific coastline. A 16-month long ordeal that included many hours spent in meetings between government officials, the tourism board and the local angling community has resulted in this Commission finally coming to life!

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Just What the Doctor Ordered

As a physician I always try to order the right thing for my patients. This time I self prescribed an outstanding fishing trip to Guatemala. I have been fishing aggressively in the ocean for thirty years. I used to tournament bill fish in Hawaii and placed fourth in the Maui Halloween tournament. Fifteen years ago I started fly fishing for tarpon, bill fish and salmon. I have fished extensively in Costa Rica during the last six years.

Sportif Balikçilik

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YAZI VE FOTOĞRAFLAR: elvio penneTTi-ıGfa Türkiye
Türkiye’nin beş profesyonel sporTif balıkçısı şubaT ayında pasifik okyanusu’nun sıcak sularında, ‘büyük balığın’ peşindeydi. bir hafTa boyunca GuaTamela’dan okyanusa açılan balıkçılarımız Türkiye’ye berekeTli anılarla döndü.

Come Sail Away

The list is long why Guatemala is fast becoming the sailfish capital of the world.

Story and photos by Chris Shaffer
“What are you doing? Put the camera down. We have a triple. Take this rod,” Erichsen, owner of Guatemala’s Pacific Fins Resort, yelled as three sailfish went airborne simultaneously. “You can take pictures of more sails later. Grab this. Let’s get a triple.”