Live the Pacific Fins Experience

March Madness – Fishing Report

You can’t mention “Spring Break” without thinking of a fishing trip. Guests who traveled to Pacific Fins in March were greeted with really good numbers.This is the time of year many love. It’s when not only you get intense sailfish action, it’s when the man in the blue suit aka blue marlin start to be more abundant as well.Yellowfin tuna will be active around spinner dolphins, and dorado will be in the larger class (Pics below don’t lie).

Plus, you can’t never rule out a striped marlin in the spread.For those looking to travel with family, March through June is a great time to be here. It’s also months that book 10 to 12 months in advance. Which is why, I always advice those that couldn’t find a spot to start planning for the following year.We still have a few spaces available, want to be part of an epic season? Call your fishing partners, grab your passports, pack your bags, and head to Guatemala!

March Fishing Report :
March 1st – 30th: Chechos – 306 sailfish raises, 261 bites and 166 releases. Blue Marlin: 4 raises, 3 bites, 0 release. Dorados: 41. (20 days of fishing).
March 2nd – 30th: Knotwork – 314 sailfish raises, 273 bites and 163 releases. Sailfish on Fly: 7 raises, 4 bites, 1 release. Blue Marlin: 2 raises. Striped marlin: 1. Dorado: 30, 2 yellowfin tuna, and 2 Rooster fish. (22 days of fishing).
March 3rd – 31st: Gypsy – 205 sailfish raises, 142 bites and 72 releases. Sailfish on Fly: 77 Sailfish raises, 22 bites, 7 releases. Blue Marlin: 4 raises, 2 bites, 1 release. Dorado: 17, and 1 yellowfin tuna. (21 days of fishing)
March 2nd – 28th: Uno Mas – 199 sailfish raises, 152 bites and 87 releases. Blue Marlin: 3 raises, 2 bites, 1 releases. Dorado: 12. (13 days of fishing).
March 17th – 29th: Mojo – 164 sailfish raises, 123 bites and 81 releases. Blue Marlin: 5 raises, 3 bites, 2 releases. Dorado: 10. (9 days of fishing).
March 3rd – 5th: Mijooo – 20 sailfish raises, 17 bites, 10 releases. 5 dorado. 1 roosterfish (3 days of fishing).March 6th – 26th: Sirena – 72 sailfish raises, 57 bites and 35 releases. Dorado: 13. (7 days of fishing).
March 15th: Fresh Catch – 23 sailfish raises, 23 bites and 11 releases. (1 day of fishing).
March 16th: Captain Hook – 55 sailfish raises, 46 bites and 33 releases. (1 day of fishing).
March 17th – 22nd: Fishy Business – 42 sailfish raises, 32 bites and 20 releases. Striped Marlin: 2 raises, 1 bites, 1 releases. Dorado: 2. (3 days of fishing).
March 17th – 22nd: Danmark – 40 sailfish raises, 33 bites and 22 releases. Dorado: 3. (13 days of fishing).
March 24th – 25th: Intensity – 22 sailfish raises, 18 bites and 12 releases. Dorado: 1. (2 days of fishing).

January / February Fishing Report

January is a great time of year to fish our waters. Though, this past January mother nature decided to throw us a fastball. Not a curveball… a fast ball! What do I mean? abnormal strong currents did not allow bait to concentrate in one particular area for a long period of time, which resulted in subpar fishing.

About 7 years ago, we had the same isolated currents wreak havoc by pushing the bait further from our zones. One day you mark fish and the other day you end up scratching your head on where did they go. The currents were so strong that in a 24 hour window bait got pushed 20 to 30+ miles away.

Now, with all this going on, we still had very good fishing days. We caught plenty of sailfish, dorado, yellowfin tuna, blue marlin, and striped marlin. It was just the second half of the month that this came to develop.

The good news is everything’s back to normal. Keep your eyes out for the next newsletter, as you will see March reports get RED HOT.

Looking to put Pacific Fins in your travel plans? we highly suggest to lock in those dates as soon as possible. Fall 2023 dates are filling up fast and so is the 2024 season!

January Fishing Report :
January 2nd – 31st: Chechos – 207 sailfish raises, 170 bites and 117 releases. Black Marlin: 1 raises, 1 bite, 1 release. Dorados: 57 and 6 yellowfin tuna. (18 days of fishing).
January 2nd – 23rd: Knotwork – 169 sailfish raises, 148 bites and 109 releases. Blue Marlin: 4 raises, 3 bites, 1 release. Dorado: 69 and 17 yellowfin tuna. (20 days of fishing).
January 3rd – 31st: Gypsy – 147 sailfish raises, 118 bites and 72 releasesDorado: 43, and 1 yellowfin tuna. (15 days of fishing)
January 5th – 20th: Maverick – 55 sailfish raises, 38 bites and 25 releases. Sailfish on Fly: 13 raises, 12 bites, 5 releases. Blue Marlin: 5 raises, 4 bites, 4 releases. Dorado: 16. Yellowfin tuna: 2. (8 days of fishing).
January 3rd: Mijooo – 31 sailfish raises, 24 bites, 19 releases. 2 dorado. (1 day of fishing)
January 5th – 20th: Sirena – 72 sailfish raises, 63 bites and 51 releases. Sailfish on Fly: 1 raise, 1 bite, 1 release. Striped Marlin: 1 raise, 1 bite, 1 release. Dorado: 10. (6 days of fishing).
January 5th – 20th: Sirena – 72 sailfish raises, 63 bites and 51 releases. Sailfish on Fly: 1 raise, 1 bite, 1 release. Striped Marlin: 1 raise, 1 bite, 1 release. Dorado: 10. (6 days of fishing).
January 1st – 5th: Uno Mas – 70 sailfish raises, 61 bites and 42 releases. Sailfish on Fly: 1 raise, 1 bite, 1 release. Dorado: 8, Yellowfin Tuna: 1. (6 days of fishing).

February Fishing Report :

February 1st – 28th: Chechos – 227 sailfish raises, 192 bites and 120 releases. Sailfish on Fly: 11 raises, 6 bites, 1 release. Blue Marlin: 11 raises, 8 bite, 1 release. Striped Marlin: 4 raises, 3 bites, 1 release. Dorados: 51 and 5 yellowfin tuna. (23 days of fishing).
February 1st – 28th: Gypsy – 131 sailfish raises, 109 bites and 72 releases. Sailfish on Fly: 17 raises, 6 bites, 5 releases. Blue Marlin: 7 raises, 2 bites, 1 release. Blue Marlin on Fly: 1 raise, 1 bite, 1 release. Dorados: 42. (22 days of fishing).
February 1st – 28th: Knotwork – 226 sailfish raises, 190 bites and 133 releases. Blue Marlin: 8 raises, 4 bite, 1 release. Dorados: 59 and 5 yellowfin tuna. (26 days of fishing).
February 1st – 28th: Sirena – 56 sailfish raises, 47 bites and 32 releases. Dorados: 12 and 3 yellowfin tuna. (8 days of fishing).
February 1st – 28th: Uno Mas – 34 sailfish raises, 17 bites and 7 releases. Blue Marlin: 5 raises, 2 bite, 1 release. Dorados: 13. (7 days of fishing).
February 10th – 21st: Animo – 58 sailfish raises, 44 bites and 29 releases. Blue Marlin: 1 raise, 1 bite, 1 release. Yellowfin Tuna: 6. Dorados: 22. (7 days of fishing).
February 10th – 21st: Ecsta-Sea – 44 sailfish raises, 41 bites and 20 releases. (3 days of fishing)
February 14th – 24th: Mijooo – 58 sailfish raises, 44 bites and 29 releases. Blue Marlin: 1 raise, 1 bite, 1 release. Yellowfin Tuna: 6. Dorados: 22. (3 days of fishing).
February 14th – 26th: Captain Hook – 45 sailfish raises, 38 bites and 19 releases. Dorados: 2. (4 days of fishing).

Checked off your bucket list. Congrats to Mr. Cirar for releasing a blue marlin on Fly!