Live the Pacific Fins Experience

Marlin Guarantee!!

Guaranteed Marlin or Fish For FREE!

Everyone thought we were nuts last year by offering “The Marlin Guarantee.” Clients thought we were nuts. The magazines thought we were nuts. But here we are in 2016 and going to do it again!

What was the success rate? We only lost 1 bet! Yes, that is correct. Every group of clients who took part in the Marlin Guarantee from August – October 2015 had at least 3 marlin bites, except for one group. (Please see the note from the client that didn’t get the bites below. They had 2).

If you WANT MARLIN think about visiting us August, September, or October 2016. What do you have to lose? We GUARANTEE it.

In addition to the months of August, September and October being very good for sailfish, dorado and yellowfin – we think they are outstanding for marlin!

In fact, we are so confident in our fishery that we are willing to bet on ourselves. We are pushing our chips “All In” with the following MARLIN offer below.

If you book our most popular package: 3 days fishing, 4 nights in the months of August, September or October 2016 we guarantee your boat will get at least 3 Marlin Bites on conventional tackle over the length of the trip!!

That’s right. 3 bites by the man in the Blue, Black or Striped suit over 3 days fishing! And if you don’t get 3 bites we are willing to do the following:

50% of the value of your trip will be put towards a future trip at Pacific Fins (and it is transferrable).

100% trip value! Your party comes back for a FREE 3 days fishing, 4 night trip.

David Barnes Group Only Had 2 Marlin Bites

And the deal was for them to come back at 50% the cost with 1-2 bites. Here is a note from that group:

“I went with three of my friends to Pacific Fins last August and fished for four days on Maverick and Gypsy. Well, to make a long story short, we caught sails and dorado and had 2 marlin bites. That entitled us to a 50% reduction on a future trip.

The trip was amazing and the lodge was great, so that made it a “No Brainer.”
We rebooked for 4 days fishing the week of April 3 through the 8th. When we returned we did exceptionally well raising well over 100 sails and releasing 75. We also released a 300 lb MARLINand several dorado. It was another trip of a lifetime.

I just wanted to let you know that we really enjoyed ourselves and Pacific Fins stepped right up and honored their guarantee – no questions asked!”

Thanks again,
David Barnes

NOTE: This offer is for the intact group to return together. For example, if you have 4 anglers – it is NOT 4 individual trips.

***To get additional information on the rules of this offer and to check availability:

Phone: 1-888-700-3467