The newsletter you’ve been waiting for! The 8th Annual Guatemala Billfish Invitational Tournament.
The 7th annual tournament generated a record 2023 sailfish raises, 1725 bites and 1078 Sailfish releases. 11 blue marlin raises, 1 striped marlin, countless dorado and yellowfin tuna. Making the tournament the largest in the history of Guatemala!
The objective for this tournament is to create awareness for the benefit of conservation of sailfish, being a resource of great importance for the country. In this event, like the previous ones, we had different celebrities of international stature and personalities that contribute to sport fishing in the region. There was 35 brands and entities supporting sport fishing in the country, as well endorsed by the National Fisheries Association in Guatemala. The tournament will consist of three days of fishing and will have anglers from the US, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and Guatemala. This tournament gives the opportunity for amateurs and professional anglers to compete to be the team that releases the most sailfish, marlin, dorado and yellowfin tuna.Awards: Top Professional Team (1st, 2nd & 3rd), Top Amateur Team, Top Captain, Top Pro Lady Angler, Top Amateur Lady Angler, Top Marlin, Dorado and Yellowfin Tuna.Plus, a crowd favorite, a calcutta for those brave enough to bet on their skills and luck. The 2022 Guatemala Billfish Invitational was the biggest yet. We had 8 lodging locations at capacity. It’s no surprise with such high anticipation that always builds throughout the year. So, if you think last year’s event was one for the record books… just wait till this December.We started to receive reservations and we highly recommend for those that want to participate in this year’s event, to contact us and secure your spot. Due to limited capacity, you don’t want to be left out of this amazing fun, but competitive tournament. |
For more information, please contact us at 1-888-431-5556 or [email protected]