
Live the Pacific Fins Experience

IGFA Conservation Award

Niels Erichsen, Managing Partner of Pacific Fins Resort wins prestigious Individual Conservation Award at IGFA’s 33rd International Banquet.

“I want to share the joy of this recognition with all my fellow Guatemalan anglers, my friends within our government, my colleagues and my family.

All of our efforts working on the conservation of our precious billfish have gone into planning and executing a very thorough program coordinated through the Guatemalan Sailfish Commission, which comprises government entities and the private segment.

What we have actually achieved through this program could become the blueprint for regional and international conservation efforts.

The United Nations program for biodiversity has endorsed our plans, for they clearly comply with their 2020 goals for Sustainable Tourism.

Catch and release guarantees sustainability and a tourism industry based on this principle is the perfect case study on how economics and conservation can progress side by side.

I pledge to keep on going and expand our Guatemalan Conservation Initiative to incorporate as many of our neighboring sportfishing destinations as possible.

Once again, on behalf of Guatemala…thank you IGFA for this prestigious award.”

-Niels Erichsen

Grundens Documentary

We mentioned a few weeks ago that Niels Erichsen, Managing Partner at Pacific Fins is the recipient of the Prestigious IGFA Conservation Award for outstanding billfish conservation work! Niels will be honored and presented with his award next week at The IGFA International Banquet Jan 28, 2017 in Ft. Lauderdale.

Our friends at Grunden’s will be doing a documentary highlighting the work of Niels and The Sailfish Commission in Guatemala. This video will include footage of Niels receiving the award in Ft. Lauderdale, interviews with Rob Kramer, president of the IGFA, members of The Sailfish Commission and vice ministers in Guatemala.

Additional footage will include fishing off the coast of Guatemala from Pacific Fins, the preeminent luxury sport fishing lodge in the region. The film will serve as an educational and inspirational piece about how this innovative conservation model can be spread to other countries in Central America to protect fish stocks and boost tourism.

We look forward to sharing the finished product with you in Spring 2017!

December Fishing Report

Our boat Chechos WINS The Club Nautico 2-day Tournament with 101 sailfish raises, 95 bites and 71 releases.

The Houston Group in 3 days on Maverick raised 151 sailfish, had 132 bites and released 101!

The Valenti Group on Gypsy in 3 days raised 102 sailfish, had 91 bites and released 57.  Also caught 2 dorado.

The TCQ Group on Maverick in 1 day fishing raised 41 sailfish, had 34 bites, and released 24. Also caught 1 dorado.

The Weinstock Group in 2 days on Chechos raised 57 sailfish, had 48 bites, released 26 on light tackle on 2 on FLY. They also raised 2 marlin, had 2 bites and released 1.

The Palacios Group on Maverick raised 8 sailfish, had 7 bites and released 6. They also raised and release 1 Blue marlin.

The Tinnesand Group on Gypsy in 6 days fishing raised 148 sailfish, had 129 bites and released 93. They also raised 6 marlin, had 5 bites and released 1. Also caught 3 dorado.

The Solares Group on Chechos raised 31 sailfish, had 28 bites and released 17.

The Davenport Group on Maverick in 3 days raised 36 sailfish, had 32 bites and released 21. They also raised 1 marlin.

Fall Report

The Lee Group on Chechos and Maverick in 5 days raised 165 sailfish, had 96 bites and released 46 on FLY. They also raised 3 Blue marlin, had 1 bite and released on 1 on FLY!

The Caciedo Group on Maverick raised 16 sailfish, had 14 bites and released 8.

The Gradwohl Group on Captain Hook went raised 16 sailfish, had 16 and released 13. And 2-1-1 on Marlin. It was a 400 lb Blue.

The Toabe Group in 3 days fishing on Chechos raised 28 sailfish, had 20 bites and released 14.

The Davis Group on Chechos in 2 days raised 41 sailfish, had 39 bites and released 16.

The Moores Group on Maverick had 9 marlin raises, 6 bites and 5 releases! 4 Blues and 1 Black. And the best part is they started off fishing for sailfish! They went 13-10-7 on sails before they switched over to marlin.

Global Viajero Group raised 17 sailfish, had 16 bites and released 9 on Chechos.

The Blossman Group on Chechos in 3 days raised 49 sailfish, had 37 bites, released 19 conventional and 3 on FLY. They also  went 2-1-1 on Marlin.

The Ponce Group on Aguardiente raised 5 sailfish, had 4 bites and released 3. They raised 1 marlin, with 1 bite and released 1.

The Aquirre Group on Maverick went 20-18-15 on sailfish and 2-2-1 on Marlin.

The Garcia Group on Chechos in 3 days fishing raised 13 Marlin, had 10 bites and released 6! One 600 lb Black and one 500 lb. Blue. They also went 40-29-23 on sailfish and one nice 40 lb dorado.

The Ortiz Group on Chechos raised 13 sailfish, had 10 bites and released 7. They also went 1-1-1 on Marlin.

The Kenneth Group on Gypsy raised 19 sailfish, had 15 bites, and released 9.

A separate Garcia Group on Tranquility raised 13 sailfish, had 13 bites and released 7. They also went  3-2-2 on Marlin!

The Ambassador to Colombia raised 12 sailfish, had 10 bites and released 5.

The Nordic Group on Maverick raised 7 sailfish, had 7 bites and released 7.  They also went 1-1-1 on Marlin.

The Alvarado Group on Chechos raised 26 sailfish, had 20 bites and released 14.

The Hagebusch Group on Maverick in 2 days fishing raised 27 sailfish, had 21 bites and released 15.

The Mijangos Group on Chechos raised 4 sailfish, had 4 bites, released 4 and 3 dorado.

The Cifuentes Group on Maverick raised 15 sailfish, had 13 bites and released 10. They also went 2-1-1 on Marlin.

The Maga Group fishing on Chechos and Maverick raised 19 sailfish, had 18 bites and released 12.


5 Marlin!

If there is a word better then epic? We will go with that. The Moores group on Saturday: 9 marlin raises, 6 bites and 5 releases. 4 Blues. 1 Black. And the best part is they started off fishing for sailfish! They went 13-10-7 on sails before they switched over to marlin.

CABA Meeting

AGENDA CABA (Central America Billfish Association) MEETING OCTOBER 28th, 2016 GUATEMALA CITY


9:00 AM Scientific developments in support of billfish conservation

since the February CABA meeting by University of Miami scientists.

10:00 AM Review of worldwide use of FADs in larger pelagic fisheries by

University of Miami scientists.

10:45 AM Discussions on actual and potential use of FADs in billfish

recreational fisheries and small scale fisheries in Central America. All

in attandeance.

11:15 AM Report on activities of the Sailfish Conservation Commission by

Niels Erichsen and Manoel Cifuentes.

11:30 AM Financial mechanisms that contribute to the sustainability of

sailfish tourism fishing in Guatemala by Oscar Villagran, BIOFIN Project

11:45 AM Technical projects in support of the Sailfish Conservation

Commission, by Raquel Sigueriza de Micheo, PNUD Guatemala


2:00 PM Concepts to create a Central American Sportfishing Tour

Operator Federation by Niels Erichsen (Guatemala Pacific Fins Lodge)

2:20 PM OSPESCA as a mechanism for fisheries integration in Central

Amercia by Mario Gonzalez Recinos, OSPESCA Executive Director

2:40 PM The role of CABA regarding technical and scientific support to

billfish conservation strategies adopted in the region by Nelson

Ehrhardt, CABA Scientific Director and University of Miami Professor of


3:00 PM Round table of discussions on institutional development and

strategic implementation for the new Federation led by Niels Erichsen

and Nelson Ehrhardt with participation of all those atteding the


5:00 PM Adjourn


M.A.R.L.I.N – Wow!

We would not expect most anglers to know about the incredible marlin fishing in Guatemala. As a destination, Guatemala has mainly promoted it’s sailfishing for the last 20 years. And rightly so – it is the best in the world.

“We are down at the Lodge as this is being sent out. We came down for Pacific Fins “Marlin Guarantee.” We accomplished it in one day. We have our own boats. Fish all over the globe. This is the absolute best trip we have ever done. The whole thing is exceptional.”Jose Garcia, Jr.

Day 1: 8 Marlin raises, 7 bites and 3 Blues released! 7 bites is amazing.
Day 2: 27 Sailfish raises, 21 bites, and 17 releases.
Day 3: 4 Marlin raises, 3 bites and 3 releases. 13 Sailfish raises, 8 bites and 6 releases.
(GRAND SLAM DAY: 1 Black 600 lb., 1 Blue 500 lb. and sailfish!)

Guatemalan Marlin Guru – Christian Siebold

For a consistent weekend angler in Guatemala his personal goals for sailfish were achieved. He needed a new challenge. Our friend and Niels Erichsen’s fishing partner, Cristian Siebold had decided to focus primarily on Marlin fishing (especially the months August – November). During a period of more than 2 years, he has been sharing his weekend stats with us, helping us prove Guatemala IS A MARLIN DESTINATION.

He tested all written theories on marlin fishing and experimented with his own new Guatemalan Style. Christian will compete with a Guatemalan team in this year’s Bisbee, on “The King and I”. His boat is traveling to Cabo as we write this.

Our mates have personally fished with Christian this summer to learn more from him!

Marlin fishing statistics from Captain Cristian Siebold – only fishing Saturdays
**These numbers do not include other marlin released by other fishermen on the same boat during the same days of fishing.

Fishing style – stand up 50-lb. class with lures:

Total Days Fished from July 2015 through September 2016 = 28 days
Total Marlin released = 38
Total Bites = 52
Average Marlin Released Per Day = 1.4 Marlin
Total Days Without a Marlin Bite = 4
Marlin Mix = 10 Black, 2 Stripe, 26 Blue
Greatest Accomplishments:
July 2015 – Grand Slam (Blue, Stripe, Sailfish).
August 2015 – Two Blues at the same time, both released, only one fisherman and one mate on board.
December 2015 – Marlin Grand Slam (Blue, Black, Stripe). Biggest marlin = 600 lbs Black.
September 2016 – 4 of 4 same day. 3 of 3 same day (following Saturday).

Risk Takers – Pacific Fins

Over the last few seasons Pacific Fins has marketed our “Marlin Guarantee.” We took a big (perceived) risk the last few seasons by offering it. The number of calls we received from clients and industry friends with comments like “you guys are nuts, you are going to get killed on this deal, this is one ballsy move,” etc. We were willing to take the chance for our clients to get them excited.

We are the ONLY operation in Guatemala (and the world for that matter) who GUARANTEES MARLIN. Our Marlin Guarantee takes place in the months of August, September and October. If we don’t perform it is a significant financial penalty to Pacific Fins.

Now with 2 seasons of data under our belt with our own anglers one thing is clear – We are performing and the clients are getting their Marlin – the whole purpose of this promotion. Every single group FOR 2 YEARS has caught their Marlin except for 1. They came back 6 months later for 50% cost of the trip and caught two!

Book Now!

If you can get away in the next few weeks you still have time for the Marlin Guarantee in Oct 2016.

Clients are already booking August, September and October 2017. Grab your dates today!

So is Guatemala the new hot spot and the most underrated destination on the planet for Marlin? We believe it is.

For additional information and availability at Pacific Fins Resort:

Phone: 1-888-700-3467
Website: www.pacificfins.com.gt

FOLLOW us on Social Media for the most up to date info on Pacific Fins:




Conservation of Billfish

For the last year, we have been updating you on the advances Guatemala’s Sailfish Commission has achieved for the benefit of our beloved fishery. With the new elected government, new liaisons and new friendships had to be worked on. Everyone from Club Nautico, the lodge owners and sportfishing tour operators have participated directly or indirectly to keep the project moving smoothly towards its goals.

Within the last couple of months, major milestones have been accomplished and the momentum The Guatemalan Sailfish Commission is obtaining will yield immediate results for all anglers within Guatemala AND Central America.

Briefly mentioning the successes obtained:

United Nations Fund for Biodiversity has officially categorized Sportfishing in Guatemala as a key activity within the Sustainable Tourism Initiative for the next 10 years. The first study regarding Sportfishing Economics for Guatemala and its impact within the local economy has been assigned and preliminary results are demonstrating huge financial benefits for the country. The most relevant issue here being SUSTAINABLE TOURISM – Catch & Release! Achieving this recognition is the beginning of a very interesting path for worldwide conservation issues and Guatemala is leading the way.

– Guatemala’s Ministry of Fisheries has requested that Central America’s Governmental Agency for Fisheries include Sportfishing Tourism as a Core Regional Development Topic, with the direct support of Guatemala’s Sailfish Commission. OSPESCA and its lead officer, Mario Gonzalez meets with Guatemala’s Top Officers within the ministry to discuss the potential for a REGIONAL project for the Conservation of the billfish within all of Central America.

“The model for conservation Guatemala has adopted through the Commission and the Tourism sector should be the benchmark for the region,” stated Mr. Gonzalez.

“We will evaluate all political aspects regarding this initiative in order to obtain regional status for the Commission.”

Every bit of support adds up when talking conservation. The Guatemala Sailfish Commission is doing a great job locally, but being able to export these ideas throughout the Central American Pacific coast is key for the future.

As stated by Dr Nelson Ehrhardt from The University of Miami and lead scientist for the Central America Billfish Association (CABA), “I am sure we have a huge and unique opportunity to achieve regional milestones that we have never dreamed of in regards to conservation of the billfish. Hopefully, all governments will understand the positive economic impact sportfishing tourism will provide to their local economies.”

Niels Erichsen devotes much of his off time leading the way with Guatemala’s Sailfish Commission. He understands Pacific Fins’ future depends on high catch & release indexes and billfish are the key element!

For additional information and availability at Pacific Fins Resort:

Phone: 1-888-700-3467