Live the Pacific Fins Experience

Guatemala’s Fishing Season at its Best

Quite simple… the billfish are here and the time is right to plan a quick getaway and enjoy the beauty of Guatemala’s Pacific Coast.

Numbers describe this past couple of weeks fishing:

  • 25+ bites per boat on average
  • Top day for a couple of anglers at 24 releases
  • Fishing between 5-15nM
  • 85-88ºF Temperatures with gorgeous views of the volcanoes
  • Marlin bites every other day, as well

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2011 Fishing Season – Pacific Fins Guatemala

Down here at Pacific Fins Resort & Marina the new 2011 Fishing Season is looking great on ALL aspects!
We have been working hard upgrading our Resort, training our Staff, maintaining our Fleet in top performance and just getting every aspect of our Operation ready for you to enjoy the next couple of months with the best fishing vacation we can help coordinate.
Our next newsletters will be showcasing major improvements and upgrades we are undergoing, so do keep up with us…we will guarantee you the most luxurious fishing experience within Guatemala! Read newsletter

April / May 2010 – Summary

Another great month for fishing down here in Guatemala’s pristine Pacific Coast!
Activity was abundant, with Sails, Marlin and Dorado showing up on every trip.Sea conditions were calm, weather was quite hot and we did get some rain during the nights. Apart from a good number of repeat vacationers that came down to fish at Pacific Fins, we did get more trips from locals and Corporate Clients. We are getting ready for Summer, so do check out our specials in order to take advantage and bring the whole family along for a great vacation!